General laboratory equipment
The department is equipped with modern equipment of leading world manufacturers:
- ultrasonic cleaners Bandelin Sonorex Super RK 31 и RK 100;
- analytical scales Shimadzu AUW120D and AW320;
- laboratory scales Shimadzu UW2200H;
- drying box BINDER FD 53 (53 l, 300°C);
- muffle furnaces Nabertherm L 9/13/B180 (Tmax 1300 °C);
- pH-metres, ionomers, stationary рН-metres:
- standing pH-metre HANNA pH 211;
- universal HANNA HI 255 – allows to determine the pH and conductivity;
- equipment for mixing;
- mechanical overhead mixer Heidolph RZR 1 a vane-type impellers BR 10 and and anchor type AR 19;
- magnetic stirrer with heating IKA С mag Hs7;
- magnetic stirrer with heating IKA RET control/t safety control;
magnetic stirrer with heating IKA RT 5 power;
- stereo microscope Carl Zeiss Stemi 2000CS with colour digital camera and software for receiving, processing and image analysis;
- liquid thermostat LOIP LT-108a (ТЖ-ТС-01/8-100, 8 l, up to 100°C / 0,1°C, ext.circ.);
- double distiller БС.