Department of electrochemical systems and processes of surface modification (head. dep. corresponding member of RAS, Ch.D., prof. Gnedenkov S.V.) formed by the decision of the Academic council of the Institute of Chemistry FEB RAS in 2014 on the basis of Laboratory unsteady surface processes (operating since 2004). The department formed were isolated structural divisions:
laboratory of unstable surface processes (head lab. Ch.D., corr. memb. of RAS Sinebrukhov S.L.)
laboratory of composite coatings for biomedical applications (head lab. Ch.D. Mashtalyar D.V.)
laboratory of functional and electrochemically active materials (head lab. PhD. Opra D.P.)
laboratory of electrochemical processes (head lab. PhD. Egorkin V.S.)
Research area:
Fundamental research of physical and chemical processes directed formation of new materials, coatings and electrochemical systems promising for practical use and implementation of the breakthroughs in the development of modern materials science and electrochemistry.