An instrument for measure the contact angle with a sloping base DSA100, ”KRÜSS GmbH”
German manufacturer of equipment ”KRÜSS GmbH” intended to define the contact angle under various conditions (under pressure at elevated temperature, on an inclined plane, and so on), as well as for the calculation of the free energy surface (FES) using all known methods. Using the method of hanging drops it could be determinated surface and interfacial tension of liquids. Multifunctional modular unit DSA100 designed to determine the contact angle of the manual and fully automated way.
The software allows to solve several tasks:
- measurement and calculation of the contact angle;
- measurement and calculation of surface tension;
- calculation of surface free energy;
- building an energy map surface.

Using sloped table it could be carry out investigations of surfaces by sessile drop, beneath. angles to 90°. These studies provide the most information about the surface wettability with increasing tilt angle; video camera tilts together with the sample. In combination with modern cameras it could be received about 1000 images per second characterizing the state of the drop shape. Even at high angles of tilt table provides optimal conditions for the measurement of the dynamic contact angle.